Corporate / Financiers have their own Standard Guarantee text to be used for the processing of Guarantees/standby LC Issuance.
Guarantee Product:
At the time of processing a guarantee issuance, this Standard Guarantee text template is updated automatically with the correct values when using the text template.
The template can be added for the available guarantee types:
- Bid Bond
- Performance
- Warranty
- Payment
- Credit
- Customs
- Credit Card
- Advance
- Standby LC
To create a text template, go to the Home Page click on the Administrator settings and
then click on the Guarantee Text Template [Home -> Administrator -> Text Template].
Choose the Product as Guarantee from the drop-down list.
Select the Guarantee Type for which you want to create the text template and fill in all the required Mandatory fields; Template Name, Guarantee type,
Form, Another Bank Involved, Applicable Rule, and Language.
Type in the Guarantee text template, and you may populate dynamic data into the text by adding Dynamic text values
Once you have entered all the required fields, Click on the Save button.
A small pop-up message is displayed "Are You Sure You Want To Override The Template:'XXX' ?"
After you click the Save button, the template is available for selection by the corporate users.
Note: If the applicant has an exposed entity in an Organization structure and a new Guarantee deal is initiated
The Applied Unit field is chosen as an exposed entity. In this case, standard wordings in the Guarantee text should have the Name, address, city, and country of the exposed entity selected.
Standby LC Product:
At the time of processing a Standby LC issuance, this Standard text template is updated automatically with the correct values when using the text template.
The template can be added for the available Standby types:
- Bid Bond
- Performance
- Payment
- Credit
To create a text template, go to the Home Page click on the Administrator settings and
then click on the Guarantee Text Template [Home -> Administrator -> Text Template].
Choose Product as standby LC from the drop-down list.
Select the Type for which you want to create the text template and fill in all the required Mandatory fields; Template Name, Another Bank Involved, Applicable Rule, and Language.
Type in the Standby LC Text template, and you may populate dynamic data into the text by adding Dynamic text values
Once you have entered all the required fields, Click on the Save button.
After you click the Save button, the template is available for selection by the corporate users.
See also:
How the end user will use the templates in a guarantee: How to pick a Guarantee text?
- You must be an administrator in order to set the Guarantee/Standby LC Text Library
- Users can also include the customized field that you've created and additional data in the text template by clicking the Deal value option on the Text editor page. It will automatically Picks up the deal value and show it in your template while corporate using it.
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