In a corporate setting, it is often important to know which unit a user belongs to in order to properly manage access and permissions. There are a few different ways to determine which unit a user belongs to, and a few different ways to change a user's unit affiliation.
When it comes to determining which organization unit you belong to, there are a few key steps you can take to figure it out.
First, you should land to Homeland page of RIVO, in the right-side top corner of the Home Page you can find the Unit Name
Changing the subunit of an organization on the homepage can be a simple process,
1.Locate the Unit Name in the homeland page, Click the drop-down list.
2.Look at the listed Unit names of your organization, it allows you to change the unit directly.
3.Review the homepage to ensure that the subunit has been changed correctly. If not, repeat the steps to change it again.
By saving the unit list under the organization structure and User accessible to Unit, this may allow you to change the Unit in the Homeland page.
If you are unsure about how to change the subunit of your organization on the homepage, it may be helpful to refer below screen.
You can also refer to How to add the Organization users to the specific unit of the organization?
How to add Subunit Organizations to the Parent Organization?
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