Currently, deals in Rivo can only be assigned to units when they are created, but our ongoing initiative is aimed at improving this capability, specifically targeting Issuing Bank Users by allowing them to reassign deals from one unit to another, specifically when the status is "Issuance - Approved."
The "Reassign Unit" option will be exclusively available to bank users during the release activity, precisely when the status is "Issuance - Approved." Once it's officially issued by the bank, this option won't be there anymore Additionally, this option will not be presented during extended steps. Reassigning the deal to another unit is only possible if that unit is designated as the exposed unit.
Note: In a scenario in which the deal was initiated with a unit as guarantor (a unit from my organization), and a user from this unit (as guarantor) who has a financier role wants to re-assign the deal, he will be able to do so, but only to other exposed units who are also acting as a unit as guarantor and not to "regular" units.
How to Re-assign:
- Select the transaction to which you need to transfer the unit and ensure that it is in the issuance-approved status, then select Reassign unit from the context menu.
- Select the units from the drop-down where you want to re-assign the deal and hit save.
- As soon as the deal is reassigned, the popup notice seen in the image below will appear.
- The PDF from the download details will immediately update the new unit name in the issuing bank list whenever the unit is reassigned.
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