Currently, In RIVO admin users for both corporate and banks can enable the list of currencies they work with. We would like to set up decimal positions for each currency available in RIVO. This should be achieved at the code level. When the user enters the amount in decimal, the decimal position is automatically restricted for the currencies according to the setup (refer below table). If the user enters the amount in decimals fewer than the permitted decimal positions, RIVO should add "0" to the remaining positions. If no decimal is entered in the amount, the decimal of '.00' must be shown automatically if there are 2 decimal positions set up for currency. If decimal position = 0, no decimals are to be shown.
This setup should be implemented for all available products in RIVO (issuing a deal and any extended step of a deal) as part of the amount field.
For example, if the decimal position "2" is permitted for EUR currency. If the user selects currency as EUR and enters the amount as 123.4, RIVO should add "0" to the second decimal position and show it as 123.40.
Please refer to the below table to set up the decimal position for each currency available in RIVO.
Sample Amount with different Decimal Positions:
Amt with no decimal position - 123
Amt with 1 Decimal position - 123.4
Amt with 2 Decimal position - 123.45
For more details on currency decimal points, please refer to the ISO 4217 Currency codes list and attached document.
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