As an applicant, I Would like to upload documents to the server for the guarantee specific so that I can add & view any additional details of the guarantee
Steps involved in upload attachment:
- Upload of desired document to the server
- Get the attachment to derive the unique id to use it while Guarantee creation
- Using the attached Document in Guarantee by adding the attachment details node. Guarantee creation article can be found in Guarantee Creation Through API
The documents to be added with guarantee requires to be uploaded in the server first. This is taken care by the below mentioned API. Using the file upload button in the request body section, the file can be chosen and uploaded to the server. The response body will have the ID, reference in the server.
URL | |
Method |
Sample payload |
Get Attachment details
As an applicant, I would require to get the attachment details, to map the attachment details with the guarantee while creation.
The uploaded attachment API shall respond with the ID. This ID is the file reference in the server, to obtain the details of the file. This is provided as request param. The file’s details from the server in the way it requires to be added with the guarantee are then obtained here.
URL | |
Method |
Sample payload |
{ "ids": [ "63479dc6939ee30014cad96c" ] } |
Response body |
{ "data": [ { "_id": "63479dc6939ee30014cad96c", "name": "61e54ba743ff4d0016a7f4be-1665637830715-ft-Test.docx", "type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "fileObjectId": "63479dc6939ee30014cad96a", "originalname": "Test.docx", "mimetype": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "md5": "60c412ee5b1018de2d8b03684dbb9230", "uploadDate": "2022-10-13T05:10:30.718Z", "labels": "", "channel": "", "customerId": "61e54ba743ff4d0016a7f4be" } ], "err": null }
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