This release contains among others:
- New Standby LC transaction
- User Profile changes
- New Organization Profile
- Spanish Language supported
- Default currency for your corporate
See below the complete list of released items:
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- [Improvement] - Support Spanish language
- [Improvement] - Add country's flag
- [Improvement] - Registration one pager
- [Improvement] - My Profile - Enhancement UI
- [Improvement] - My Profile - Change password
- [Improvement] - My Profile - add breadcrumb
- [Improvement] - My Profile - additional fields
- [Improvement] - Organization profile page
- [Improvement] - LEI - add into guarantee creation for parties and bank definition
- [Improvement] - new fields / validation for Amendment of an Export LC
- [Improvement] - Auto generate Application Reference number
- [Improvement] - Standby LC transaction for applicants
- [Improvement] - Enhancement phone code fields
- [Improvement] - Prefill the contact person when creating a new deal
- [Improvement] - Supported currencies defined by the corporate
- [Improvement] - Accessibility enhancements
- [Improvement] - Dashboard empty state enhancement
- [Improvement] - History log - export to excel file
- [Improvement] - Credit line - allow user to set/modify bank limit
- [Improvement] - Prevent user to create a new guarantee when the credit limit is reached
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure - Unable to add user with the existing first and last name
- [Bug Fix] - Error "email already exists" appears when user is deleted from Org and added again
- [Bug Fix] - Unable to edit Org user
- [Bug Fix] - Emails were not received by Applicant users when Guarantee status is Claim Received
- [Bug Fix] - Editing Bank Rejected Guarantees is not possible
- [Bug Fix] - Email Template for Guarantees pending manager signature.
- [Bug Fix] - The status is blank after the bank user signs the Amendment.
- [Bug Fix] - Breadcrumbs trail - When clicking the Save button the page crashes
- [Bug Fix] - Missing View option un context menu
- [Bug Fix] - 'My Bank' is not populated correctly while creating a new Deal.
- [Bug Fix] - Not possible to create new amendment for an already amended deal.
- [Bug Fix] - Max Length Validation should be revised
- [Bug Fix] - Logging out from the Organization Structure screen takes the user to an error screen
- [Bug Fix] - Beneficiary can not see relevant guarantees
- [Bug Fix] - Admin user couldn't add new user in organization structure
- [Bug Fix] - Company Details - LEI value does not appear
- [Bug Fix] - New user created under a unit can be set as organization admin user which is not correct
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure does not show list of users added
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure - Data access is not displayed correctly after adding
- [Bug Fix] - Country flag for Cyprus is incorrect
- [Bug Fix] - Rejection reason is not shown in card view when Guarantee is rejected by bank user
- [Bug Fix] - Registration - The email with forgot password link is sent to registered user
- [Bug Fix] - User is able to update new password by the old password
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure - Added user is able to login by the admin's password
- [Bug Fix] - Role of new bank user added under unit is updated automatically as "Approver"
- [Bug Fix] - Missing the logo of the bank/ other corp in the notification
- [Bug Fix] - email is sent on each save for all deal participants
- [Bug Fix] - The format date & time should show correctly
- [Bug Fix] - Dashboard - the number of items on pagination is not refreshed correctly
- [Bug Fix] - Notification email after saving a new guarantee is not received
- [Bug Fix] - Register screen - The Check icon on the Work Phone field is large
- [Bug Fix] - Downloaded Guarantee after issuance is watermarked as "DRAFT"
- [Bug Fix] - Missing the currency in the Currency dropdown when editing a guarantee
- [Bug Fix] - Notification list does not refresh for Releaser-Approver user
- [Bug Fix] - Bank limits - should be changed to bank management
- [Bug Fix] - History Export : Data is not the same between Rivo and Excel file
- [Bug Fix] - My Profile - Save button is disabled after inputting valid Work Phone number
- [Bug Fix] - Missing the breadcrumb on My Profile page
- [Bug Fix] - Phone code - existent phone numbers do not show on the phone number's field
- [Bug Fix] - Phone code value validation issues
- [Bug Fix] - Change background color for Guarantee/Export LC pages
- [Bug Fix] - Template name values not loading
- [Bug Fix] - "Guarantee Text Template" sub menu is missing for bank admin user
- [Bug Fix] - Impossible to download the Guarantee with status: Issued
- [Bug Fix] - Missing the New Claim in the context menu after the bank admin release a guarantee
- [Bug Fix] - All fields in the Profile page are blank
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