Enter details from fields at the beginning of the SWIFT message:
- Is the LC Transferable: Enter data from SWIFT field 40A-Form of Documentary Credit.
- If it says IRREVOCABLE, click No.
- Select the Applicable Rules for this LC: Choose from the dropdown list the value as stated in SWIFT field 40E-Applicable rules. If it says OTHR, choose the Other option and enter the text provided into the pop-up field ‘Enter details about the Other Rules(s) applicable for this LC’.
- Charges By: SWIFT Field 71D-Charges may appear and includes only charges which to be born by you. When this SWIFT field appears, choose the RIVO Beneficiary option and copy the details into field ‘Enter the details about the charges which are born by you’. If not displayed, choose one of the options from the drop-down list as per your agreement with your business partner.
- Days of Presentation and Period of Presentation: Both fields refer to the same SWIFT field 38-Period for Presentation in Days. If this field appears on the SWIFT message, it includes at least the number of days which you will enter in field Days of Presentation. Any additional text after the number of days you will copy to field Period of Presentation.
- Select the confirmation Instruction: Enter the instruction in the SWIFT field 49-Confirmation Instructions. Choose the same value as the one in the SWIFT field from the dropdown.
- Confirming Party: If the previous field includes either CONFIRM or MAY ADD, you will find the SWIFT field 58A/D-Requested Confirmation Party. Enter the SWIFT details.
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