The release contains, among others:
- New report: unutilized fee calculation
- Expand signature matrix to reduction event (outgoing guarantee)
- Expand signature matrix to SBLC (all events)
- RIVO to block deal if in use by another user from the same organization
- User Experience improvements. Filters / Freeze Column headers / Notifications
- [Improvements] - Export LC: The Beneficiary's bank settles the accepted usance document on or before maturity date upon receiving payment from the issuing bank.
- [Improvements] - Export LC and Import LC Deal Summary to show "Available with/by" instead of "Available by"
- [Improvements] - Export LC - "Book Off" by bank user for the deals registered by Advising Bank
- [Improvements] - expiry type ‘Unlimited’ for guarantee/ SBLC - to include field of deal expected expiry
- [Improvements] - Audit logs for Custom Fields adding/editing
- [Improvements] - Allow Amend of Guarantee for Less than 1 Unit (e.g., 0.20)
- [Improvements] - Start date field on the Import LC issuance flow
- [Improvements] - Unutilized Limit Fees Calculation
- [Improvements] - Issuance summary side bar - add a collapse function
- [Improvements] - RIVO to lock deal if in use by another user from the same organization
- [Improvements] - Expose the Beneficiary/Applicant Contact details of the deal
- [Improvements] - Enhance Invitation Modal for improved experience
- [Improvements] - Unmapped Fields - Enhance modal with additional information and function
- [Improvements] - Add "Select All" option for Currency selection
- [Improvements] - Improve Entity (bank/party) Duplication Check Algorithm: detect and alert for duplications
- [Improvements] - Enhanced bank/party management with Short ID and LEI lookup
- [Improvements] - Outgoing Guarantee - Duplicate entities check
- [Improvements] - Add confirmation before resolving a Collaboration discussion & Tooltips for Action Buttons
- [Improvements] - Deal summary to include collaboration notification indication
- [Improvements] - Dashboard deal balance filter was added
- [Improvements] - Include "Share" option to main dashboard's context menu
- [Improvements] - Dashboard: Enhance long List View of Deals (stick title to the top + enlarge scroll area)
- [Improvements] - Standardize Export file Amounts and include Deal Balance + transactional amount (e.g. amendment value) columns
- [Improvements] - Sign Process in Review & Sign for Guarantees/Import LCs - visual representation
- [Improvements] - Restrict editing, deletion and disabling of Rules with active deals
- [Improvements] - Expand signature matrix to reduction event (guarantee)
- [Improvements] - Expand Signature matrix to SBLC (all events)
- [Improvements] - RIVO Migration: Extend party matching mechanism to search by unit and HQ names (added setup of UNIT name for each deal party added via migration)
- [Improvements] - Upgrade Deal Migration Template (drop-down options for all fields that require users to select from pre-defined values)
- [Improvements] - E-mail notification should be sent to users of re-assigned unit of bank; outgoing guarantee following re-assignment action
- [Improvements] - Indicating Corporate to include BIC in Organization profile & Bank's BIC
- [Improvements] - Enable RIVO<>DIXIO communication & generate SWIFT files for Outgoing Guarantee Reduction
- [Improvements] - Enable RIVO<>DIXIO communication & generate SWIFT files for Outgoing Guarantee Claim Extend
- [Improvements] - Enable RIVO<>DIXIO communication & generate SWIFT files for Outgoing Guarantee Claim Settlement
- [Improvements] - Enable RIVO<>DIXIO communication & generate SWIFT files for Outgoing Guarantee Amendment
- [Improvements] - Revise User Role Permission management (data access unit only selection with all units selection handling)
Bug Fix:
- [Bug Fix] - Revoke Unit as Guarantor: cannot revoke a guarantor unit with closed / rejected deal
- [Bug Fix] - Unable to see the contact person details while downloading as a PDF
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC: The deal status in Dashboard is wrong
- [Bug Fix] - No email notification sent to beneficiary user (Processor & Approver) if the deal status: Doc Processed: Clean/Discrepant
- [Bug Fix] - Email > Outgoing Guarantee & Import LC (Issuance & Amendment): N/A is shown after the bank user rejects the deal at the exposed level
- [Bug Fix] - Rule > Email Notification: Some users who don't sign the deal received the email after the bank rejected the amendment deal at the Unit level
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC-History tab does now show Doc Rejected status
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee: The "Amendment 2" is shown in the Amendment Summary page after rejecting the 1st Amendment and releasing the 2nd Amendment
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee > Settlement - In Process: The applicant user cannot proceed with the payment flow.
- [Bug Fix] - Error Export LC documents presentation
- [Bug Fix] - Attachment is shown in the downloaded PDF even though it was kept private.
- [Bug Fix] - Task management: unit not visible.
- [Bug Fix] - Emails not received for the Released/Issued Guarantee deals - applicant/beneficiary
- [Bug Fix] - Error in reject when signed already approver rejected the deal.
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee: Missing "Additional Details" field in PDF file if the deal is in Amendment flow
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC (Mixed Payment) > Accept Doc: The warning message is shown when going to another card by stepper
- [Bug Fix] - Rules > Reduction: The message should be shown clearly after signed and then rejected.
- [Bug Fix] - Display Customized Language in PDF Output When "Other Language" is Inserted
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC-Document tab-Unable to proceed with 2nd drawing when 1st drawing in progress
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC - Mixed payment - Status of Settlement in process is truncated
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC > Email notification: The value of Presenting Bank Reference is shown for Presentation Reference and vice versa
- [Bug Fix] - Dark mode: collaboration icons should be in white in dark mode.
- [Bug Fix] - Enable swift score Connectivity with enable is saved successfully for existing bank if org profile BIC is updated to empty
- [Bug Fix] - Dark mode: Standard Text isn't visible.
- [Bug Fix] - Error in Download details of Reduction in Process from Deal - Review & Sign screen.
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC-Shipment details card allows special characters.
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