This release contains among others:
- Migration of deals
- Reassignment of a unit by issuing bank
- Limit per organization unit
- Auto-generator of reference number based on a pre-defined template
- Enable all deal participants to upload multiple attachments at any stage of the deal
See below the complete list of released items:
- [Improvements] - Standard Text Templates in case if Applicant has an exposed unit
- [Improvements] - Draft attachment by Bank support
- [Improvements] - Attachment malware scanning
- [Improvements] - Export LC Issuance & Amendment - Rearrangement of fields
- [Improvements] - Limit projection per bank
- [Improvements] - Enhancing Participant Address information in the Issuance process
- [Improvements] - Enhance the Address Details for the Organization Profile and Parties screens
- [Improvements] - Adding "Document type" to each attachment uploaded by any user
- [Improvements] - Add "Contract Details" to Text Template "Deal Values"
- [Improvements] - Enable Reassignment of existing deals to different units of Issuing Bank
- [Improvements] - Update Download details document for Issuing Bank reassignment unit
- [Improvements] - Prevent users from revoking the Unit as a guarantor when deals are attached
- [Improvements] - Enable deal participants to upload multiple attachments at any stage of the deal
- [Improvements] - Limit per organization unit
- [Improvements] - Apply Exit Prompt mechanism for extended steps
- [Improvements] - Receive e-mail notification for the new unread collaboration notification
- [Improvements] - Enhancement of Auto-Generate Reference
- [Improvements] - Have the limit in any other currency
- [Improvements] - Notification email on utilized amount
- [Improvements] - Predicted charges - Export to Excel file
- [Improvements] - Unit as guarantor - disable for other products except Guarantee
Bug Fix:
- [Bug Fix] - Standard text is not working when the user changes the bank under "My Bank"
- [Bug Fix] - Email notification: The body of the email is shown incorrectly in the subject line
- [Bug Fix] - No warning message is displayed when the amount exceeds the bank limit amount
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC - Additional Amount
- [Bug Fix] - My Profile - The user role is incorrect for the Org admin user
- [Bug Fix] - Super User Cannot see Text templates Menu for a Bank
- [Bug Fix] - Document title allowed to enter zero in count value for Import and Export LC Module
- [Bug Fix] - Error in Swift Character set 'Z' in relevant fields for LC/Guarantees
- [Bug Fix] - Reduction In process - Context Menu
- [Bug Fix] - Data migration - data validation is inconsistent between file and system
- [Bug Fix] - Data migration - Status is 'Approved' instead of 'Claim..' when claim details have values
- [Bug Fix] - Predict Charges Field is Not Available Under Bank
- [Bug Fix] - Migration: deals with additional participants who failed with error and did not migrate
- [Bug Fix] - My Banks: The Legal Entity ID doesn't save after creating a bank successfully
- [Bug Fix] - Issue LC Signed by Approver, history does not display approver
- [Bug Fix] - Customized Field Details: UI issue
- [Bug Fix] - My Bank: Impossible to update BIC for Unit-as-a-Guarantor
- [Bug Fix] - Incoming guarantee - Unable to sign new Claim by releaser user
- [Bug Fix] - Incoming guarantee - Charges and commissions are not displayed for the beneficiary
- [Bug Fix] - First Guarantee save with additional participants fails
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC - some currencies appear twice in the currency dropdown list
- [Bug Fix] - Migration - currency drop-down is empty in some deals in the edit
- [Bug Fix] - Unable to do a New Claim from Outgoing Guarantee.
- [Bug Fix] - Migration- deal including additional participant failed in sign
- [Bug Fix] - Attachment files: Possible to remove the attachment files in the Confirmation card
- [Bug Fix] - Bank Details: UI issue
- [Bug Fix] - Not able to sign in a specific deal
- [Bug Fix] - Register - Error 'Something went wrong' is displayed while registering a new org
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