This release contains among others:
- Enable private collaboration between multiple deal participants
- Enable "Add charges and commissions" for the bank user in Doc Presentation and Doc Processing of Export LC”
- Organization Structure - Revamp the action buttons
- Enhancing download documents to include Applying Unit
See below the complete list of released items
- [Improvement] - Export LC - Beneficiary's Bank processes the documents received from Beneficiary
- [Improvement]- Allow user to view and select from predefined list of reports
- [Improvement] - UI-facelift
- [Improvement]- File upload - charges
- [Improvement]- [UI] Migrate Product Cards on Dashboard to Material UI
- [Improvement]- Planning, preparation, maintenance of SPG tasks
- [Improvement]- Guarantee Issuance Flow – CORTF connectivity
- [Improvement]- Guarantee Amendment Flow – CORTF connectivity
- [Improvement] - Guarantee Extend or Pay Flow – CORTF connectivity
- [Improvement]- Guarantee Notification of Demand for Payment Flow
- [Improvement] - Guarantee Settlement of Claim for Payment and/or Charges
- [Improvement]- Unmapped fields presentation
- [Improvement]- Outgoing Guarantee Draft support
- [Improvement]- MFA Login improvements
- [Improvement]- Remove limitation of number of units - split login process
- [Improvement]- E-mail notification to be triggered to relevant participants when a deal is due for Expiry
- [Improvement]- Email notification to be triggered when bank user releases Extend - Approved transaction and status updated as "Extended"
- [Improvement]- Customized fields - enhance the UI for the position
- [Improvement]- E-mail notification to beneficiary when beneficiary's bank process the documents and advise the status of documents
- [Improvement]- Import LC and Export LC - Pretty Print generation for Amendment
- [Improvement] - BIC number validation
- [Improvement]- Report Applicant: Limits
- [Improvement]- Report Applicant: Expiry Dates
- [Improvement]- Report Applicant: Open Deals - Comparison by periods (Business Performance)
- [Improvement]- Report Applicant: Commission & Fees - Comparison by periods
- [Improvement]- Introduce new role "Financier" as part of organization structure for corporate
- [Improvement]- Display the entity that releases or rejects a deal
- [Improvement] Reject a deal by the corporate (with Bank Clerk role)
- [Improvement]- Report Beneficiary: Expiry Dates
- [Improvement]- [UI] Revamping Search bar for improved User Experience (migration to MUI)
- [Improvement]- [UI] Enhancing Page Layout for better user navigation
- [Improvement]- Add charges and commissions for New Claim under Guarantee and Standby LC
- [Improvement]- My Banks - show Bank/s I work with as an additional column
- [Improvement]- Enable "Add charges and commissions" for the bank user in Doc Presentation and Doc Processing of Export LC
- [Improvement]- [UI] Apply Generic Button component for Product issuance (migration to MUI)
- [Improvement] Align email validation process for adding/editing banks
- [Improvement]- [UI] Revamping Button Group for improved User Experience (migration to MUI)
- [Improvement] - [UI] Migrate the "Add new" modal to Material UI
- [Improvement]- [UI] Migrate all the dialogs on Dashboard & Registration flow to Material UI
- [Improvement] - Restrict the country list
- [Improvement]- Organization Structure - Revamp the action buttons
- [Improvement]- Enable private collaboration between multiple deal participants
- [Improvement]- Customized fields - add Status column
- [Improvement]- Revamp the empty state of Product issuance's side summary
- [Improvement]- Subscription Plans - Dynamically show/hide price and button based on plan value
- [Improvement] - Set a unit as exposed entity
- [Improvement]- Independent unit exposed to other entities
- [Improvement] [UI] Migrate all the Context Menus to Material UI
- [Improvement]- Incoming Guarantee Amendment registered by bank user
- [Improvement]- Release a deal by the corporate (with Bank Clerk role)
- [Improvement]- Implement calls for additional actions: send possession or/and endorse to order
- [Improvement]- Enhancing download documents to include Independent Entities
- [Improvement]- [UI] Migrate the Stepper to Material UI
- [Improvement]- [UI] Enhancing Page Layout for Product Issuance
- [Improvement]- Linking deals popup content enhancement
- [Improvement]- The independent unit should be display in PDF
- [Improvement] - Review & Sign - Submit button modification
- [Improvement]- "Financier" role - guarantee additional capabilities
- [Improvement]- Enhancing download documents to include My Customized Fields
- [Improvement] - Display empty state for My Banks and My Parties pages
- [Improvement] - Enhancing download documents to include Applying Unit
- [Improvement]- Reports menu
- [Improvement] - Refine the behavior of the steppers
- [Improvement] - User Profile - GDPR compliant avatar upload
- [Bug Fix]- [DEV] Some fields are not displayed as display field text in the Action Description of Audit log history
- [Bug Fix]- [UI] The user is not taken to the password reset page when they click the Accept Invitation button in the invitation email received
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee: All fields in the Advising Bank/ Local Issuing Bank card are blank when viewing the Amendment - To Sign
- [Bug Fix] - Enigio - Sign digital file issues at Lab
- [Bug Fix] - Standby LC dedicated APIs missing for Extend steps in Releaser and Bank User
- [Bug Fix] - ChargeDetails No Audit Log Delta Created at Backend
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Once a notification is read, the number of unread notifications should be reduced.
- [Bug Fix] - Translation issue - Audit log history
- [Bug Fix] - Demo: Org Profile data gets deleted for Admin users, also Download details show wrong data
- [Bug Fix] - [New LAB]: The Bank user doesn't recieve the email notification after signing a Standby LC deal by Releaser
- [Bug Fix] - By clicking next on the first slide - 'Basic details', you jump to the first page 'Register New Incoming Guarantee'
- [Bug Fix] - Missing Translation for Pre-Defined list of Fee Codes
- [Bug Fix] - Charges & Commissions: The translation of the warning message is wrong for: DE/ FE and ES
- [Bug Fix] - Plan details-Changed plan is not reflecting in Organization profile card
- [Bug Fix] - Plan details - Does not show start date and end date of the plan
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields - issues with Enable function
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields - do not display the slide "My customized fields" when there is no requested field
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields -there is no validation for mandatory fields in add/edit.
- [Bug Fix] - Charges & Commissions: Fee code is displayed incorrectly at table list
- [Bug Fix] - Incoming Guarantee: Missing the Edit option when the deal status: Issuance - To Sign for Processor
- [Bug Fix] - Amendment: UI issues on the "Tell us some basic details" card for the Amended Amount and Type
- [Bug Fix] - Amendment: Possible to input 0 and missing the error when inputting the discrease amount larger or equal the Deal Amount
- [Bug Fix] - BIC field accepts invalid values
- [Bug Fix] - My Subscription plan card for entity bank is blank
- [Bug Fix] - Unable to initiate collaboration for Export LC Doc Presentation
- [Bug Fix] - Bank user unable to release Export LC Doc Presentation
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee > Email Notification: The old email template shows for the sharing deal
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee > Email Notification: The email notification is sent to approver (Releaser) after Approver rejected a guarantee Issuance/ Amendment
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee > Email Notification: Wrong the title and content of the email when Releaser approved the deal status to: Issuance - To Sign/ Amendment - To Sign/ Extend - To Sign
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee > Email Notification: The email notification doesn't send to Processor after Approver rejected a deal status: Extend - To Sign
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee > Email Notification: The email is sent to Beneficiary after Bank admin rejected a deal: Amendment - Approved or Release a deal: Extend - Approved
- [Bug Fix] - duplicate deal
- [Bug Fix] - Linking Deals: Missing the success message after duplicating a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Linking Deals: The relation text of the Original deal and the newly created deal are wrong and missing the link between them
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC - Advising bank details didn't saved during issuance and amendment
- [Bug Fix] - My Customized fields - Max length field missing and validation for length per field type.
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields - field updates
- [Bug Fix] - When Export LC is advised by Bank user in RIVO, deal is not reflection for beneficiary users
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee Claim: Latest date for reply field is editable in VIEW mode
- [Bug Fix] - Charges Ids mapping between RIVO<>CORTF
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Filter text disappear after returning from Signing
- [Bug Fix] - Linking deal: The 'Deals already connected' popup is shown before the "Success" popup after linking 2 new deals, and some UI issues
- [Bug Fix] - Report - Applicant reference is incorrect for Export LC at Details of Deals
- [Bug Fix] - Report - Applicant reference value for Incoming guarantee
- [Bug Fix] - Data Grouping by Expiry date for Closed deals is Blank
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC - "Advising Bank" name is Dashboard card is changed as "Issuing Bank" name after Doc Presentation is signed by beneficiary user
- [Bug Fix] - Cannot amend Export LC
- [Bug Fix] - In duplicated Outgoing guarantee currency combo box empty impossible to select any currency.
- [Bug Fix] - Field Type values - Translation issues
- [Bug Fix] - personalization service jwt taken validation with keyckloak
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields - should be possible to select few options in select field type.
- [Bug Fix] - Commissions & Fees - Applicant: Clear Selections option does not revert back to the original values
- [Bug Fix] - Commissions spelling is wrong in reports section
- [Bug Fix] - Impossible to add the Additional Participants in Amendment transaction of Guarantee, Standby LC and Import LC
- [Bug Fix] - Reports: Limit Report is not working
- [Bug Fix] - Fix date input on extension details card
- [Bug Fix] - Expiry dates - Applicant: Inconsistent data in report - Deals count is wrong in Expiry Deals by product Box
- [Bug Fix] - Open deals - Beneficiary: 'Applicant reference' should be 'Beneficiary reference' at Deals details
- [Bug Fix] - Expiry dates - Beneficiary: Inconsistent data in report - Deals count is wrong in Expiry Deals by product Box
- [Bug Fix] - Link deal modal buttons css issue
- [Bug Fix] - (MFA): Images are not displayed in receiving email.
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields - The "Mandatory Field" checkbox is always Yes when editing a record
- [Bug Fix] - Cannot reject Guarantee/Standby LC via "Review & Sign" card
- [Bug Fix] - No Confirmation message upon signing the Incoming Guarantee deal by Bank user
- [Bug Fix] - My Banks: Save button is disabled after removing all products on the 'Products I want to work with' and deselecting the 'Bank I work with' checkbox
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure: Impossible to select the country phone code, lead to cannot add new user
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] The phone code and phone number are not aligned
- [Bug Fix] - Limits: The total bank number is always 8 after changing the pagination
- [Bug Fix] - My Banks > Bank Limit: Missing the warning message for the bank limit: 0 and the error message for the bank limit exceed the max value: 1 billion
- [Bug Fix] - Amend option doesn't exist in 3 dots menu for Incoming GU in status 'Issued' opened by Corporate user
- [Bug Fix] - SBLC: Missing the Continue button on the 'What is the delivery address?' card when viewing the deal
- [Bug Fix] - Pretty print - Amendment Guarantee/standby LC: attachments and type of expiry are displayed incorrectly
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Exchange rate history log - the calendar is broken
- [Bug Fix] - Undertaking Type Filter Button Issue
- [Bug Fix] - Japanese: archive confirm and success massages untranslated
- [Bug Fix] - Open deals - Beneficiary: UI issues
- [Bug Fix] - Org structure - Parent and unit are incorrect for
- [Bug Fix] - Deal balance amount should be in the same format as LC Amount i.e. 2 digits after dot.
- [Bug Fix] - Dashboard: Error 404 page when opening History tab in the Summary page
- [Bug Fix] - Currency can be enabled for usage without exchange rate
- [Bug Fix] - Charges & Commissions: The charges & commission is shown for another deal, lead to possible to release the deal with it
- [Bug Fix] - UI issue: Deal Details: The fields are not aligned together and Bank Details: Reduce the space between all options
- [Bug Fix] - Report - UI issues
- [Bug Fix] - Customized field details The breadcrumb and headline should be "Customized Field Details" (without s)
- [Bug Fix] - My Customized fields in issue flow: UI fixes
- [Bug Fix] - After signing deal with processor user status is incorrectly set 'To Approved'
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Export LC Docs Presentation - Translation Issues
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Cannot remember the setup done on Dashboard
- [Bug Fix] - Dashboard - Excel: Deal Type should be displayed as Products
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Regression issue - the status icon is broken
- [Bug Fix] - Amendment: The error message should be shown: "Amendment Amount cannot be less than or equal to 0" under the field "Amendment Amount" when inputting the Amendment Amount = 0
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration: The loading icon should be shown on the Unread and Read tab while the data is loading when opening the Notifications sidebar
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration: The number of the notifications is not decreased after clicking on the notification to open the deal
- [Bug Fix] - Error: Cannot read properties of Null (reading'_id') when trying to upload attachments.
- [Bug Fix] - Delete deal: The additional participant impossible to delete the Issuance - In Process deal
- [Bug Fix] - Attachment gets saved before user clicks on "Save and Continue" in Attachments card
- [Bug Fix] - UI issues in duplicating Incoming Guarantee deals
- [Bug Fix] - "Created By" is wrong and Beneficiary reference is missing in Audit logs for Incoming Guarantee
- [Bug Fix] - When Audit logs are downloaded in excel, html codes are displayed in Action Description coloumn
- [Bug Fix] - Claim - 'Requested Expiry Date' is displayed value of Extend Until date
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration: The blank page is shown when clicking on some notification items
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Sign button is missing on the deal status "Settlement to Sign"
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration - 'Go to' at chatbox is not navigated to the chat field page
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration: The participant who is not belong to the participant of deal possible to received the public message
- [Bug Fix] - Share a deal - Shared mail is not sent
- [Bug Fix] - Reports - Open deals - Applicant : Group by Product -- When a user selects Include, the entire page is not refreshed to reflect that specific pick.
- [Bug Fix] - Plan Details page does not show the correct format
- [Bug Fix] - Closed deals - Applicant - Amount in deal currency is displayed instead of amount in base currency
- [Bug Fix] - Email notification: The subject and the content of the reset password/ change password/ 6 digitals of authentication code email are wrong
- [Bug Fix] - Report - Exchange rate is not the same as Currency Rate (that leads to Amount in base currency is incorrect)
- [Bug Fix] - Duplicate/link for doc Presentation
- [Bug Fix] - Characters and alphabets should not be allowed in date field
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee/ Import LC: Missing the 'Add new' button when editing an Issuance - To Sign
- [Bug Fix] - Add New Bank: The default field "Bank I work with" is unchecked and the correspondent product is not pre-selected when reopening the Bank detail
- [Bug Fix] - Add New Bank: The error message for the invalid data is incorrect: Please select the products I want to work with
- [Bug Fix] - My Banks/ Add New Bank > Bank Details: The message "This field is mandatory" is shown under the phone field which has the valid phone number after changing the Country
- [Bug Fix] - My Banks/ Add New Bank > Bank Details: Possible to create a bank without BIC code - this is mandatory field
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure: The blank page is shown when adding the duplicated unit
- [Bug Fix] - Add new Bank: Possible to add duplicate bank, lead to 2 banks show on My Bank list
- [Bug Fix] - Add new Bank: Duplicate the Import LC after editing the deal by Processor
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC: The deal status: Issuance - undefined when the deal is signed by the Processor/Releaser with the Expired date equal current date
- [Bug Fix] - CS SuperUser Organization select unresponsive
- [Bug Fix] - text template load crush
- [Bug Fix] - Upload Charges & Commission: No data is shown in the Charges & Commission list after uploading the file successfully
- [Bug Fix] - Charges & Commission list: The confirmation popup is shown under the Charges and Commissions list, lead to impossible to delete/ cancel the editing the item
- [Bug Fix] - Upload Charges & Commissions: Missing the error message when uploading the excel with some mandatory columns: Fee Name, Settlement Date, Paying Party are blanks
- [Bug Fix] - Upload Charges & Commissions: UI issues
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields: Product is not displayed when editing
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Doc Presentation shows for the Outgoing Guarantee with the status: Claim Settled when viewing a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Closed deals - Applicant: There is no year item shown at Expiry date when data is current year
- [Bug Fix] - Upload Charges & Commissions: Bank user impossbile to release a deal after uploading charges and commission
- [Bug Fix] - Save button missing in Release approved settlement/Pay by bank user in Review & Sign screen.
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure - wrong error message is shown when adding an existing user
- [Bug Fix] - OCR population of MT700 Export LC Issuance ; poor mapping coverage
- [Bug Fix] - "Edit Payment" context menu option missing for Corporate who initiated "Pay" for Extend/ Pay received but available for bank user
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields - bank customized fields isn't appear in corporate deal when corporate don't have his customized fields
- [Bug Fix] - My Customized fields- translations missing in Customized Fields Detail
- [Bug Fix] - Tooltip for password validation rules missing during registration
- [Bug Fix] - My Banks/ My Parties > Copy Invitation: The content of "Copy Invitation" is wrong after copying successful and pasting it
- [Bug Fix] - The successful message is displayed with 'undefined' status when signing a deal unsuccessfully
- [Bug Fix] - BE side - Bank user unable to release Export LC Doc Presentation Due to response does not contain advising bank
- [Bug Fix] - Share deal > Copy Email: The old email content is shown after copying the email and pasting it
- [Bug Fix] - Upload Charges/ Banks: Should display the success messages for each record in the processing logs
- [Bug Fix] - Upload Charges & Commissions: The warning message is shown and impossible to release the deal after uploading the duplication Fee Code
- [Bug Fix] - Missing confirmation message when rejecting deal
- [Bug Fix] - Amendment: The Type field shows the default value: Decrease
- [Bug Fix] - Linking deals: The deal status and the deal details screen are wrong after duplicating the deal with any status except Issuance - In Process
- [Bug Fix] - Linking deals: Missing the Duplicate in the context menu of the deal status: Claim - Received, Extend/Pay - Received, Amendment - Approved, Claim Settled, Claim Rejected, Extended
- [Bug Fix] - (Product Issuance) revamped buttons are displaying incorrectly on some screens.
- [Bug Fix] - [old lab] RIVO does not Load Homepage after Login
- [Bug Fix] - C2R After rejection from RIVO status not changed in COR-TF
- [Bug Fix] - The warning of SWIFT X character validation is not displayed correctly
- [Bug Fix] - Sandbox: The warning message is shown when amending an Export LC, lead to impossible to Sign the deal
- [Bug Fix] - Prod - Dashboard loads data incorrectly
- [Bug Fix] - PROD: All products: The warning message shows while creating a deal and getting the error message when signing the deal
- [Bug Fix] - Impossible to view all cards when viewing the deal
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] unable to see tolerance details in summary side bar
- [Bug Fix] - Language of the standard wording is not captured while uploading a deal from Excel
- [Bug Fix] - Doc presentation translations
- [Bug Fix] - collab for custom fields
- [Bug Fix] - Duplication deal from closed - shows Rejected status in Info icon
- [Bug Fix] - Duplication deal copied original deal status
- [Bug Fix] - Duplicate from deal with advanced steps copied last advanced step and not the deal.
- [Bug Fix] - Translation issues - Country field - FR/ES/JP
- [Bug Fix] - During amendment - amendment amount deleted when selecting type.
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC - Alignment issues in "Additional Details" card
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] unable to reject the deal from approved status
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration notifications of wrong organization display
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC Audit logs are not correct
- [Bug Fix] - DOC_PROCESS_CLEAN - Not Display Properly on Dashboard
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration - warning message need to be updated
- [Bug Fix] - Email Notification: The subject and email content are wrong when a bank user releases "Extend" Outgoing Guarantee or Standby LC and the deal status as Extended
- [Bug Fix] - Summary page - missing General details section
- [Bug Fix] - "Latest Date of Shipment" alignment is not properly aligned in Export LC and Import LC
- [Bug Fix] - Add participant - UI issues
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC Doc Presentation - The attachment uploaded in document listing is copied automatically to all the Document Titles
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC - reference number is null when sharing the deal
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Expanding grid height to display more information on Deal Summary page
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration - Comments Not Appearing
- [Bug Fix] - The 404 error is shown when saving the 2nd card as: Availability & Settlement Or Who is the beneficiary of this guarantee?, lead to impossbile to create a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields - impossible to add Select and Radio button options.
- [Bug Fix] - login - chose organization login modal
- [Bug Fix] - Missing organization unit for participants in the deal
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee, Import LC > Amendment: The Add new button is shown when amendmenting a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Incoming Guarantee by beneficiary user - Remove "Auto Generate" option in "Advising Bank Reference" field.
- [Bug Fix] - Error while register at Lab
- [Bug Fix] - Open deals - Applicant: Year dropdown only displays the current year (2023)
- [Bug Fix] - Customized fields values deleted after save and continue
- [Bug Fix] - Can't proceed from My customized fields- outgoing guarantee
- [Bug Fix] - Limits - Applicant: Data Inconsistent in Total Limits status
- [Bug Fix] - Technical Exception Occurs On Release
- [Bug Fix] - Doc Presentation UI Not Properly Translated
- [Bug Fix] - Open deals - Applicant: some Deals are not displayed at Expiry Dates chart
- [Bug Fix] - My Banks: Impossible to sort by 2 columns: "Bank I work with?" and "Invited?"
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee Claim Rejection - Reject Reason window shows "Reject Deal" instead of "Reject Claim"
- [Bug Fix] - Charges and Commissions: Save button is enable while the mandatory fields are blank and the red annotation is not shown for the Amount and Currency after focusing out those fields.
- [Bug Fix] - Dashboard > Filter: Cuba and Iran show on the Beneficiary Country list
- [Bug Fix] - BE Validation - Import LC Doc Presentation/Export LC Doc Presentation
- [Bug Fix] - The country list: The country code shows: IR, CU when reopening the deal which has the country: Cuba, Iran
- [Bug Fix] - Unable to sign/release deal a by bank user
- [Bug Fix] - Wrong status is displayed when releasing or rejecting a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Additional address information isn't editable field during issuance.
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure: Impossible to see the fully content of the Add subunit when switching the language to DE/ FR or ES
- [Bug Fix] - Wrong validation in Amendment decrease.
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Delete popup: The content should be left aligned
- [Bug Fix] - Dashboard: The Issuing Bank's name shows for the Local Bank in the deal transaction for Outgoing Guarantee/ Standby LC/ Import LC
- [Bug Fix] - Summary page: The Deal Links tab doesn't show after adding a link
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] The blue highlight on select box dropdown is not fully and the cursor shows inside of the selected item
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Reject/ Close deal: The old popup shows when rejecting a deal in the Review & Sign page and some UI issues
- [Bug Fix] - UI issues: View Reject/ Close reason popup
- [Bug Fix] - Dev cloud- emails notifications didn't sent
- [Bug Fix] - Bank Upload: The "Bank I work with" is Yes when uploading the file has the "Bank I work with" is No and there is value for "Products I want to work with" column
- [Bug Fix] - custom fields does not work on lab
- [Bug Fix] - utilizing the most recent version of 'ft-global'.
- [Bug Fix] - Cloud dev - no validation for limits
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee > Email Notification: The email is not sent to Processor and Approver when Bank admin reject a deal: Amendment - Approved
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee > Email notification: The Applicant Reference shows for the Applicant in the email when Bank admin release a deal: Extend - Approved
- [Bug Fix] - Unable to sign any deal using releaser login.
- [Bug Fix] - UI issues for button: Missing the focusing status, missing new UI for Filled button and Text buttons in some pages
- [Bug Fix] - UI issues for button: The layout of button is broken after switching to other languages
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee/ Incoming Guarantee > Review & Sign: The Save button is enabled when editing a deal while the Sign checkbox is unchecked
- [Bug Fix] - Reports > Expiry dates - Beneficiary: Right Click options on the bar chart has multiple issues
- [Bug Fix] - Reports > Expiry dates - Applicant: When you right-click on the Expiry Deals By Period section, several options are missing.
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee: Save button is enabled when viewing a deal, lead to possbile to save it for the deal status: Issuance - To Sign, Amendment - To Sign, Extend - To Sign
- [Bug Fix] - Amendment: Possible to edit the Amendment Amount field when viewing a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Beneficiary and applicant cannot see export LC/ Incoming guarantee created by Bank user
- [Bug Fix] - Audit Logs - Action Description fields appear combined instead of separated when exporting
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure - user can edit the details and expose the HQ
- [Bug Fix] - upload an attachment during doc presentation as a bank
- [Bug Fix] - Amendment amount field appear twice in OG amendment flow
- [Bug Fix] - DEV: Not possible to save / sign any deal
- [Bug Fix] - All products: The error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter') shows when creating a deal by new corporate
- [Bug Fix] - New created admin user can't sign deal.
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing guarantee/Standby LC/ Import LC : Advising bank is auto displayed value of Issuing bank at dashboard
- [Bug Fix] - PDF cannot see charging details when txn is Released
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Cannot view charging details after txn is released
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] History - No Issuance - Closed Shown
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] History Excel contains Incorrect Status Description
- [Bug Fix] - Summary page is jumped to different transaction while viewing summary page
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration: Impossible to send the private message to the participant in list
- [Bug Fix] - Pretty Print: The Issuance Application file is downloaded instead Amendment Application when clicking Export PDF while the deal status: Amendment - Approved
- [Bug Fix] - Org profile - Save button is always disable
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] No History Tab for Export LC
- [Bug Fix] - Open deals applicant/Beneficiary - New records are not displayed in report
- [Bug Fix] - Dashboard My Deal(s) cards show "Issuing Bank" twice with different icons whereas Deal Summary page shows only once
- [Bug Fix] - Blank page when trying to edit new charges during OG issuance.
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Export LC (from DOKA) - Inconsistent Display in PDF / UI
- [Bug Fix] - LEI - cannot mapping the existent entity (bank/party)
- [Bug Fix] - [NEW LAB] All products: Impossible to sign the deal by Releaser after Processor create a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Claim reference field is missing at New Claim
- [Bug Fix] - Incoming Guarantee > Paper: The Auto-Extension field shows on Summary side when viewing/ editing a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Reports > Commissions & Fees - Applicant: In Total Commissions section, there is a data inconsistency in "Same period Last Year"
- [Bug Fix]- OCR - Attachment is not displayed when export LC is issued
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration: Missing the name of the discussion field in the Notification list
- [Bug Fix] - OCR Export LC - Transaction is displayed for logged in user who is not in Participants
- [Bug Fix] - Currency is changed, rate is updated, but the new rate is not displayed in the table in the rate tab
- [Bug Fix] - Reports > Commissions & Fees - Applicant: Charge ID should display the same as Fee code
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV][UI issues] Add sub-unit: Some UI issues and possible to create a new unit while missing data or wrong data in some fields
- [Bug Fix] - Should RIVO show Under Maintenance page?
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee Claim by by bank - claim ref is not stored
- [Bug Fix] - Open deals - Beneficiary: 'Beneficiary reference' values are displayed incorrectly
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV]Submit button modification: The Sign checkbox is checked and Save button is enabled when editing an Issuance - To Sign deal by Releaser
- [Bug Fix] - Incorrect mapping in LC applicable Rule on ExportLC Save
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC - Remove the word "Enter" when Available with field is chosen as "Other"
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC Doc Processing - Sign checkbox is available in View Doc mode
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Export LC: The deal status: Payment - In Process when presenting a document by beneficiary processor
- [Bug Fix] - [New Lab] CS superuser email not sent
- [Bug Fix] - [New Lab] - RIVO help support not available
- [Bug Fix] - Dashboard - Internal server error (500) when the deal has relationship to multiple organizations
- [Bug Fix] - Exposed Unit - The additional participant unit is not displayed in the correct format when deleting
- [Bug Fix] - [BE] Exposed Unit - Bank does not have permission to release/reject deal
- [Bug Fix] - Info Icon empty in deals issuance and claim
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Exposed Unit: Missing the Org name front of the sub-unit when editing the additional partitipant in Edit Participant popup
- [Bug Fix] - Logo is not changed after setting
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Exposed Unit: Missing the Org name of all the sub-unit in My Bank after adding a new bank in the deal
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Outgoing Guarantee/ Incoming Guarantee/ Export LC > The side Summary: "Incoming", "Outgoing", "LC" word is split
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV][UI] Exposed Unit: Missing the text: Within Limit and the toast message when reaching the bank limit
- [Bug Fix] - [NEW LAB] Outgoing Guarantee/ Standy LC > Review & Sign card: Missing the Bulk Uploads option in Charges and Commissions
- [Bug Fix] - Can't add amendment - mandatory field Amendment number don't save the value
- [Bug Fix] - Added user via org structure cannot login by the default password
- [Bug Fix] - File upload throws error in New Lab Environment
- [Bug Fix] - Wrong wording in Info Icon after reject deal.
- [Bug Fix] - If the guarantee amount exceeds the limit, no warning message is displayed.
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Exposed Unit: My Bank is blank after opening the deal to edit and returning the "Tell us some basic details" card
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Error message is displayed when adding a subunit and related Org as the same participant role
- [Bug Fix] - Buttons Share and saved moved right - in Export LC issuance flow by Bank user
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV][BE] Exposed Unit: The deal with the exposed unit as My Bank doesn't show on the Dashboard of the Bank
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Exposed Unit: Only the exposed unit shows for Advising Bank name/ Issuing Bank name when deselecting the exposed entity of the sub-unit
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Inconsistencies on Download Details menu
- [Bug Fix] - Text Template: Impossible to see all the Guarantee templates and the pagination the List view
- [Bug Fix] - There is no "Add Charges and Commissions" in Review and Sign screen in Doc processing flow.
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Participant - Transaction is not displayed at dashboard
- [Bug Fix] - View of another deal opened when clicking on deal created by bank user in Dashboard
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Sub-unit: The 'Set this unit as an exposed entity' checkbox value doesn't save after selecting/ desecting it
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Exposed unit: The bank name of another bank which has the same the unit name shows when editing the deal
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Incoming Guarantee > Guarantee Summary page: The Guarantee Type shows 5 times if the Type of Expiry: Unlimited
- [Bug Fix] - Selected values in Customized fields isn't saved in issuance flow.
- [Bug Fix] - Error Message should be meaningful while adding user under Organization Structure
- [Bug Fix] - Entered Amendment number is removed automatically in ExportLC amendment
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] The deal doesn't show for the Issuing Bank after creating the deal by upload file
- [Bug Fix] - Admin user unable to add bank user role
- [Bug Fix] - Financier Release gives "Technical Error"
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Not possible to sign Extend of a Claim in StandBy Lc with releaser user
- [Bug Fix] - Impossible to update Organization profile - Save button isn't clickable.
- [Bug Fix] - Problem searching for a new deal in the dashboard
- [Bug Fix] - After signing deal with processor user status is incorrectly set 'To Approved'
- [Bug Fix] - Import LC -Impossible to add value in Days in Additional Details - value isn't saved.
- [Bug Fix] - Issues Related to Export LC Doc Processing
- [Bug Fix] - LinkDeal tab missed
- [Bug Fix] - Upload XLS - Cannot upload the file, the error message 'Currency*: Cannot map the given value displayed
- [Bug Fix] - New LAB-Not able to fill the field Period for Presentation in Days in Export LC and Import LC
- [Bug Fix] - Incoming Guarantee Register Save failure - advising bank failure - link issues
- [Bug Fix] - [UI] Edit option is missing in Guarantee Deal
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Not possible to create Incoming Guarantee with corporate user
- [Bug Fix] - Cannot create doc presentation
- [Bug Fix] - Organization Structure , cannot add new user
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC - Share document to bank participant stuck
- [Bug Fix] - In attached document opened context menu partially not visible
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Not possible to sign Extend of a Claim in StandBy Lc & Guarantee with bank user
- [Bug Fix] - [DEV] Breadcrumbs at the top of the screen are disabled in Amendment step
- [Bug Fix] - Applicant -Open Deals - Business Performance: there is no flag status for these % change fields if the last quarter/ year is empty
- [Bug Fix] - Data erased in incoming guarantee
- [Bug Fix] - RIVO Production login fails
- [Bug Fix] - Doc presentation allowing to choose Mixed Payment when Available By value is "By Negotiation"
- [Bug Fix] - Expiry dates - Beneficiary: Base currency is incorrect at Total amount
- [Bug Fix] - Expiry dates - Beneficiary: week number is incorrect order
- [Bug Fix] - All participants details presented incorrect after Save in issuance flow and in Customized fields participants.
- [Bug Fix] - Outgoing Guarantee and Incoming Guarantee: The error message is shown: "Sign rule could not evaluate" and can't sign a deal
- [Bug Fix] - The Send To Approver button shows for the processor and financier roles when releasing a deal
- [Bug Fix] - Financier role: New Claim and Close options show for the Processor & Financier and Approve & Financier
- [Bug Fix] - Can't sign Outgoing guarantee deal - error 500
- [Bug Fix] - Expiry Dates - Applicant
- [Bug Fix] - Exposed unit: The Applying unit is not presented when editing the deal by Approver account
- [Bug Fix] - DEV Mongo db connection failed in ft-Notification App
- [Bug Fix] - (Cor-Tf) to (RIVO)- TAG 50, Tag 52A & Tag59 evidence incorrect values in RIVO
- [Bug Fix] - (COR-TF)- (RIVO)- Unable to download attachments
- [Bug Fix] - (COR-TF)- (RIVO)- Incoming message not received
- [Bug Fix] - (COR-TF)- (RIVO)- Inconsistency in transaction summary
- [Bug Fix] - General details missing in view mode for all products
- [Bug Fix] - Attachment file: The error 503 shows, lead to no file shows after attach the file to the deal
- [Bug Fix] - cherryPick for old lab
- [Bug Fix] - Incoming Guarantee - Issuance sign fails for some users
- [Bug Fix] - Collaboration does not work in Old-Lab (Can't select party to collaborate with)
- [Bug Fix] - Participants isn't presented in collaboration dropdown.
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